HARVEST: Rhythms of the Earth concluded its five-day celebration at Bharat Mandapam, New Delhi, leaving audiences enthralled by a vibrant showcase of India’s cultural heritage. Organized by NABARD under the Department of Financial Services and curated by Sanjeev Bhargava of SEHER, the festival was part of the Grameen Bharat Mahotsav, centered on the theme “Taking Rural India Forward.” The festival opened with an auspicious blend of Vedic chants by Panini Kanya Mahavidyalaya from Varanasi, Rajasthan’s Manganiyar tradition, and classical Kuchipudi and Kathak performances, setting a dynamic tone for the event. Over the following days, attendees enjoyed a rich tapestry of India’s cultural traditions, including Kashmiri Folk & Sufi music, Manipur’s Pung Cholom, Odissi dance, Kerala Temple Chants, and the enchanting Baul music of West Bengal. Contemporary hits like Jehda Nasha and Laila by Faridkot, along with Mysore Se Aai and Shakkarpari by The Raghu Dixit Project, added a modern flair to the festival.
Notable highlights included Buddhist chants by the Gyoto Monks from Leh-Ladakh, the energetic Garba and Dandiya Raas by Gujarat’s Kanaiya Dandiya Group, and Assam’s Bihu dance by Anwesa Mahanta & Group. Each performance embodied the spirit of India’s rural roots, offering urban audiences a chance to reconnect with the country’s rich heritage.
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Reflecting on the festival, Sanjeev Bhargava, Founder of SEHER, remarked, “In our modern lives surrounded by megacities and skyscrapers, we often lose sight of the roots that lie in our villages. HARVEST was an effort to bridge this gap. Over five days, we brought the vibrant sounds, stories, and traditions of rural India to urban audiences. Inspired by NABARD’s incredible work in supporting rural economies and farmers, HARVEST aimed to connect people with the raw, authentic spirit of Indian villages.”
The festival’s success reaffirmed the timeless allure of India’s cultural traditions and their power to resonate across diverse audiences.